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Online immersion series + six day retreat 

An immersion series for women who yearn to unlearn the dangerous trappings that keep them tamed . . .

Online immersions: 

November 23, 2024 ✅ --January 11, 2025 ✅ --March 15, 2025 ✅--July 12, 2025

10 am - 1:30 pm PST

Retreat in the Redwood Forest of Northern California:
October 2025 (exact dates TBD) 

Join us for a single Saturday, the whole adventure, or anything in between.

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At its simplest, to be wild is to be natural, which is to be at ease with what is.

We are all born wild & as we grow, we mistake civility for belonging & so cut off limbs, bind bones, & destroy inner waterways in the name of fitting in. 


We forget that everything in nature has its place.

We forget that if we are required to sever parts to pay the ticket price, it is not belonging we’ve purchased, but shame.

We forget that to become who we are is the privilege of a lifetime.

Our ancestors knew the power of wildness & thus employed the use of numerous rituals to pay their respects, cultivate insights, & lap at the edges of what is always wild.

Dancing, storytelling, ceremony, & sacred play served to remind everyone of the wild’s everlasting role.

Our next online immersion begins July 12th

what to expect . . .

Throughout our time together, we will deepen into our wild–that is, natural–state.


We will first orient ourselves within the shared group field and then immerse ourselves in a fairy tale through ritual storytelling.

We will then explore the tales through the body using somatic practices such as breathwork, dance, authentic movement, and ritual theatre.


In each immersion, you can expect to dive into an archetypal experience employing a combination of fairy tale analysis, somatic practice, self-inquiry, and group witnessing.

Each of these events is designed to stand alone while also unfolding iteratively, building bridges between parts of your deep psyche & allowing for greater self-emergence. 

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We will culminate our time together roaming the Redwood forest, bathing in open waters,

& bearing witness to the wildness in each other as we dance & revel on retreat.

[Please note: you can choose to join us solely for the in-person portion of this work.

None of the online content is required for retreat participation.]

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"The WILD immersion is a remarkable container. I’ve never experienced such a well-rounded experience of deepening in a small virtual group like this. Online containers can feel heady and disconnected, but the facilitators of WILD knew expertly how to drop the barriers of distance and move us into body and soul."


- Jessica, 37, documentary producer

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Your container will be lovingly held by four women,

all of whom have needed to traverse dark waters in order to remember what is wild within them.


All of whom have been initiated by grief & self-forgetting to become who they are.

Meet your Facilitators

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By trade Mackenzie is a Jungian analyst, consultant, & 5Rhythms® teacher.

By vocation she is a psychedelic facilitator, depth psychology scholar, & writer.

By design she is a collection of fractal, holographic cells dancing around some strange attractor for the sake of who knows what to live an insignificant, mythic life reflective of the mysterious vital spark within her. She identifies as a series of memories & unverifiable subjective experiences of self-hood to which she is rather fondly attached.

She has a penchant for scholarship, the occult, pedantic erudition, morbid humor, grandiosity, nihilism, & semi-responsible hedonism.

Born in the shadow of New Age culture into a fractured family system & the subjective experiencer of (arguably) extreme early childhood trauma, her life’s work is to heal psychic wounds—her’s & other’s—that she & others become strong enough to contend with the unconscious quicksands & transpersonal abysses which lap at the periphery of developing consciousness. She is an emergent property of Being playing at becoming sovereign.

She really, really loves butter. 


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Tracy is a multimodal soul guide helping humans heal, reclaim, embody, align, remember their wholeness, and live in their truth.

She is a certified life coach, breathwork facilitator, and meditation guide.

Her mission is to help you liberate from limiting beliefs and old programming you may have received from society, experiences, and past generations. She is here to help you awaken, return to, and become who you are truly meant to be.
Retreats are hands-down one of her favorite ways to connect.

Tracy believes we heal in community, and belonging in groups of like-intentioned humans creates a unique kind of medicine. 

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Danielle is a somatic guide and depth psychologist dedicated to exploring the mysteries of the unconscious. With a passion for the wisdom held within images, she helps individuals attune to their inner landscapes, facilitating deep healing and transformation through the language of the somatic unconscious.

She supports individuals in attuning to the unspoken language of their bodies and psyches, helping them navigate life’s transitions and integrate extreme experiences of difference, conflict, and Otherness.

With a formal background and education in Depth and Archetypal Psychology, Somatic Experiencing®, and ongoing Jungian analyst training, she has dedicated her work to undoing the rational gaps humans have placed between science and the sacred, mind and body.


Allyssa S. Rivera (A-li-sha), pronouns she/her/ella, holds an M.S. in Dance/Movement Therapy from Sarah Lawrence College and a B.A. in Socio-Cultural Anthropology from NYU.

As an embodiment facilitator and dance alchemist with The 360 Emergence, she fuses therapeutic expertise with artistic and spiritual depth.

Native to Puerto Rico, Allyssa's journey through diverse clinical and community settings, including Mount Sinai Hospital in NYC, reflects her commitment to healing, as dance provided her from a very young age.  Currently based in Brooklyn, she practices privately and at the Creative Art Therapy Place.

She also holds a faculty position at her alma mater, teaching graduate students Methods and Theories of Dance/Movement Therapy.

Allyssa's holistic approach, shaped by cultural awareness, supports transformative experiences, showcasing the capacity for dance and movement to bridge cultures and catalyze growth.

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The events in fairy tales portray a vital psychological reality. 

If we understand them, we gain a new understanding of ourselves.

If we cut ourselves off from this world of images, we are separated from one of the main sources of our own life energy.


-Sibylle Birkhauser-Oeri

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"It was incredible to be in a space where it was not only acceptable, but encouraged, to prioritize the body and individual experience as we engaged.  I’ve never been in a group setting like it.  It felt freeing and supportive to be able to explore my experience with the diverse perspectives and unique container the instructors created."


- Colleen, 30, consultant

Here's how the immersion series will flow...

Online Immersion 1: Vasalisa the Beautiful


November 23, 2024

Online Immersion 2: The Summer and Winter Garden


January 11, 2025

Online Immersion 3: Rapunzel


March 15, 2025

Online Immersion 4:


July 12, 2025

Six Day in-person Retreat in the Redwoods, CA:


Exact Date TBD--October 2025

Our next online immersion begins July12th

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