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Trauma and the Soul

with Danielle McGinnis and Rick Alexander

Next book club begins
April 24, 2022

Join the book club by clicking "Donate" below and
pay what you want to join!

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  • A welcome meeting for orientation and detailing out the plan ahead to prepare the group

  • Four-month syllabus and access to the community- including a dedicated online forum and fluid way to connect and build relationships with other bookies like you;

  • Monthly Content:

    • You will receive a podcast conversation with Rick and Danielle for each section of the book with prompts and things to contemplate before the group call.

    • We will include our favorite quotes within the week’s reading.

    • Suggestions for reframing the content within the chapters to help you stay the course of the chapters.

  • Monthly LIVE ZOOM calls

    • (5+ hours of guidance) led by Danielle and Rick

    • These calls are to engage with the material thus far and will help you take the content during these in depth discussions. 

    • The calls will be recorded and posted to the community within 24 hours post call.

Why did we choose
Trauma and the Soul?

In Trauma and the Soul, Kalsched offers therapeutic dialogue and dreams, to amplify how a depth psychotherapeutic approach to trauma can open both analytic partners to "another world" of non-ordinary reality in which daimonic powers reside, both light and dark.

This mytho-poetic world, he suggests, is not simply a defensive product of our struggle with the harsh realities of living as Freud suggested, but is an everlasting fact of human experience―a mystery that is often at the very center of the healing process, and yet at other times, strangely resists it.

With these "two worlds" in focus, Kalsched explores a variety of themes as he builds, chapter by chapter, an integrated psycho-spiritual approach to trauma and its treatment including:


  • Images of the lost soul-child in dreams and how this "child" represents an essential core of aliveness that is both protected and persecuted by the psyche’s defenses;


  • Dante’s guided descent into the Inferno of Hell as a paradigm for the psychotherapy process and its inevitable struggle with self-destructive energies;


  • Childhood innocence and its central role in a person’s spiritual life seen through the story of St. Exupéry’s The Little Prince;


  • How clinical attention to implicit processes in the relational field, as well as discoveries in body-based affective neuroscience are making trauma treatment more effective;


  • The life of C.G. Jung as it portrays his early trauma, his soul’s retreat into an inner sanctuary, and his gradual recovery of wholeness through the integration of his divided self.

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This is a book that restores the mystery to psychoanalytic work.

It tells stories of ordinary patients and ordinary psychotherapists who, through working together, glimpse the reality of the human soul and the depth of the spirit, and are changed by the experience. 

Trauma and the Soul will be of particular interest to practicing psychotherapists, psychoanalysts, analytical psychologists, and expressive arts therapists, and ANYONE has experienced trauma and is looking to learn about trauma through a "spiritual" orientation.


This is a five month book club running with the first introductory call

beginning on Sunday, April 24th.

Zoom calls will be held the last Sunday of each month from 10:00 am-11:30am MST.

Here’s the exact schedule: 4/24 (introductory/info call), 5/29, 6/26, 7/31, 8/28


You may purchase in any bookstore, or on amazon. 

We would prefer you ordered a physical copy of the book in order to follow along, highlight, and go back and reference it easily, but the hard copy of this book is quite expensive. The audio book is available for cheaper.

You can purchase the paperback here.


The best part is that all payments are “pay as you wish,” meaning we want all members of this community to feel like this is a place where all are welcome, regardless of your means.

Join the book club by clicking "Donate" below and pay what you want to join!

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What People Are Saying:

"I loved the interaction and raw vulnerability of the group members. A lot of times I find people will lack the courage to step in the ring of vulnerability.

This group was led with openness and engagement right from the start.

People shared their stories and insights right from the heart and that allowed some very interesting perspectives to consider.

I was highly skeptical about joining a "book club" but thought, what the hell....I love to read and lone turns out that I loved, loved, loved the group sharing.

That was my favorite part for sure.

I learned that everyone has a different "Heroes Journey" and that just being present and actively listening to people can bring so much joy to them.

It doesn't necessarily have to be about the chapter lesson I found to have "ah-ha" moments. Such a good group."


Are the books included? 

Books are NOT included in the program. We encourage you to purchase them in advance of the April 24th start date.

You can purchase the book here.


What if I’ve read the book before? 

If you have read the book, you may have not read the book in this way.

We will be breaking down concepts and sharing embodied experiences with the material to ensure that this experience is far different than reading it by yourself.

I read really slow. Will I be able to keep up?

We are covering each book over the span of the next 4 months.

The book is approximately 316 pages, but we will be skipping two chapters in the book.

So if we read approximately 250 pages that’s approximately 15 pages a week, or 2 pages a day. 


I read really fast. Will I get bored? 

Within the book club, we’re doing more than just reading for the sake of completion. 

We will be reading, journaling, note-taking, thinking, processing, self-coaching, applying.

You will not be bored.


When are the monthly calls?

Calls will be held the last Sunday of each month from 10:00 am-11:30am MST.

Here’s the exact schedule: 4/24 (introductory/info call), 5/29, 6/26, 7/31, 8/28


What if I can’t make the monthly Zoom Calls?

All calls will be recorded and emailed within 24 hours.

We would prefer if you could make it live, but we understand life happens, in that case you can always submit a question or topic in advance and then listen to the recording for answers, interpretations and/or suggestions on guidance.


Can I join at any time? 

Unfortunately, no.

Registration will close on April 24th before we begin the first call.


Enrollment is OPEN now.

Join the book club by clicking "Donate" below and pay what you want to join!

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